Questions we ask about how the expectations set for our children impact them, ourselves, and the society

The Publishers and Booksellers Association of Thailand (PUBAT)
Department of Cultural Promotion, Ministry of Culture
Department of Fine Arts, Ministry of Culture
งานสัปดาห์หนังสือแห่งชาติ ครั้งที่ 43 และ งานหนังสือนานาชาติ ครั้งที่ 13
The 43rd Bangkok National Book Fair and The 13th Bangkok International Book Fair
Queen Sirikit National Convention Center
Bangkok, Thailand
Exhibition Dates:
March 26 – April 9, 2015
Scope of Service:
Exhibition Design
Environmental Graphic Design
Producers • Charun Hometientong, Siwaroj Darnsomsathit, Suchada Sahaskul, Prabda Yoon
Organizer • The Publishers and Booksellers Association of Thailand
Content Editor • Suchart Sawasdsri
Exhibition Logo Design • Prabda Yoon
Exhibition Catalog Design • wrongdesign
Exhibition Installation • SCG Paper
Having to work on an exhibition about children without any children on the project team, we reminisced about our childhood experiences. Although growing up in a similar cultural context, each team member experienced childhood in their own way. With this in mind, while the exhibition’s core statement anchors on the idea of rethinking social norms toward raising our children in an increasingly globalized world, it is also essential that everyone has the opportunity to contribute to its content, as the experience of growing up is first-hand to all.
This exhibition consists of three main sections:
- Children’s Day mottos traditionally given by Thai prime ministers engraved onto plywood panels
- Curated quotes about children from Thai and foreign literature
- A platform for visitors to share thoughts and opinions